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Epiphone Dot - Ebony
Price Rp 7.100.000

The Dot

Take command of the stage with fat, semi-hollowbody guitar tones with Epiphone's Dot guitar. Designed after the famous ES-335 Dot, this guitar offers up killer blues, rock, jazz, and country tones. Maple top, sides, and back coupled with a solid mahogany center block deliver fat tones while minimizing potential feedback. A set of Alnico Classic and Alnico Classic Plus humbuckers offer you vintage-vibed tones that are perfect for any style of music. Capture that classic semi-hollowbody tone with the Epiphone Dot electric guitar. Call your Sweetwater Sales Engineer and get yours today!

Epiphone Dot Semi-hollowbody Electric Guitar at a Glance:
  • Quality construction delivers top-notch playability
  • Distinct semi-hollowbody tone
  • Epiphone's years of Dot experience
Quality construction delivers top-notch playability

Epiphone's Dot sports a full-sized laminated maple body, modeled after Gibson's famous ES-335, with a solid mahogany center block for maximum tone and sustain. At Sweetwater, we know that when you're looking for semi-hollowbody tones, nothing but a Semi-hollowbody will do. The mahogany neck feature's Epiphone's SlimTaper "D" profile shape for a faster, modern feel. And the rosewood fingerboard has a 12" radius, a great radius for both lead and rhythm playing.

Distinct semi-hollowbody tone

If you've ever listened to any rock or blues from the '60s, you've heard the classic tone you'll find in the Dot. The phrase "bell-like" is most appropriate here, with notes that spring to life and then gently decay into a long sustain - perfect for leads and solos. While the tone can get bright and aggressive if you need it to, it's the warm and smooth overdriven tones that made its predecessor, the ES-335, such a popular guitar for blues and jazz styles. You'll get the same vintage vibe with the Epiphone Dot's Alnico Classic pickups. Voiced to get the perfect vintage tone, these pickups deliver all the warmth, punch, and bite you want and need from a semi-hollowbody guitar.

Epiphone's years of Dot experience

Epiphone was already experienced in making semi-hollowbody electric guitars by the time the ES-335 became a hit in 1958-59. The Epiphone Riviera and Sheraton were two popular models at the time, and '50s originals still sell for a pretty penny. So while the Epiphone Dot is incredibly affordable, it's still built with Epiphone's 50+ years of experience in creating semi-hollowbody guitars with incredible tone and amazing value.

Epiphone Dot Semi-hollowbody Electric Guitar Features:
  • Affordable re-creation of the classic ES-335 Dot guitar from the late '50s
  • Maple top, back, and sides coupled with a solid mahogany tone block create amazing sustain and tone
  • Exceptionally warm and resonant tone, courtesy of the semi-hollow design
  • Alnico Classic and Alnico Classic Plus humbucking pickups can deliver a wide range of vintage-vibed tones
  • SlimTaper "D" neck profile is extremely comfortable and easy to play
The Epiphone Dot semi-hollowbody electric guitar gives you the fat tones and amazing playability you've been looking for!


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A/N : Tony Kurniawan



A/N : Tony Kurniawan

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